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Basel Abu-Jamous and Steven Kelly (2018) Clust: automatic extraction of optimal co-expressed gene clusters from gene expression data. Genome Biology. 19:172
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Option Description
Automatic normalisation (default) Clust automatically detects the required normalisation for each dataset and applies it. This is recommended if unsure which normalisation to choose.
Normalisation codes You specify which normalisation techniques to apply by providing space-split normalisation codes. For example: 101 3 4. If you submitted multiple datasets, each will be normalised using the same techniques. Full list of codes is available here.
Normalisation file Provide a file that describes what normalisation techniques should be applied to the dataset(s). This is can be used to specify different normalisation techniques for different datasets. Full description of the format of the file is available here.
No normalisation (not recommended) This should not be chosen unless the data has already been normalised in a way that suits clustering.
Hint: data normalised by differential expression analysis tools do not tend to be ready for clustering as clustering requires different types of normalisation.








Basel Abu-Jamous The University of Oxford